
If you own an older generation iPod Touch 3G or iPad 1st Generation, then there is a very simple way to bring some iOS 9 features to it using an app called Grayd00r.

grayd00r - graydoor

You can get the Graydoor app from the download links below.

Download on iPod Touch 3G

Download  Link  for   iPad 1G

What is Grayd00r?


Grayd00r 9 is a simple application that provides extra speed and new features to the older iPod Touch 3G and other older iOS devices that do not support iOS 9 firmware.

How Does GrayD00r Work?

GrayDoor disables some system processes to provide a boost in performance, and it offers users the choice of disabling other features they don’t use to speed things up even more. This is a continuation of a project started by the same team some years ago. That project was called Whited00r, which brought iOS 6 and iOS 7 features to older devices.

You can watch the installation video below.

Grayd00r 9 Features:

Grayd00r 9 also provides a few features to give your device an iOS 9-like look. Check out these neat features:

  • An iOS 9-like UI grayd00r
  • SlideOver for easy multitasking
  • App Time Machine to find and install older app versions
  • Control Center
  • Software updates Over the Air
  • Lowercase keyboard
  • iOS 9 fonts
  • Impressive speed and performance boost

Things to Know:

  1. You must have an up-to-date version of iTunes on your device
  2. Your older iOS device must be clean, so a restore is advised.
  3. Make sure you back up your data before you start

Compatible Apple Devices:

Graydoor 9 is only compatible with older iOS devices listed below.

  • iPod Touch 1G, 2G, 3G
  • iPhone 2G, 3G
  • iPad 1G

If you cannot download or use the Grayd00r 9 app, or you want more features, check out our Cydia page for details on available jailbreak utilities. Follow us on Facebook for more great tips.

User Ratings:

4 / 5. 12

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